Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Landscape of House

"Landscape with house" by Qi Baishi
The work of art I selected is “Landscape with Houses” by Qi Baishi (Chinese, 1864-1957). I was born in small village with the honest farmer ;and I also have a love about ancient house and landscapes. When I saw this art, I have a sense of belonging. This art reminds me of ancient people. I am curious about their lifestyle, customs, culture and whether these people are my ancestor or not, maybe yes. It makes me vague and have a mystical feeling.
Me and my friends

            Qi Baishi was born in 1864 to a poor peasant family in Hunan Province. It was not until he was 27 that he began painting. He started with paintings of gods and portraits, and over time he learned to paint landscapes, birds, flowers, and human figures. After touring the country numerous times to study the works of Xu Wei, Bada Shanren, Jin Nong, and other Ming and Qing artists, he eventually settled in Beijing in 1918. 
Kết quả hình ảnh cho landscape of house Qi baishi"
Qi Baishi's Landscape painting
 his rustic and unaffected style was not well received by most Beijing connoisseurs, Qi was encouraged by the painter Chen Shizeng to develop his own style rather than imitate masters. He dedicated himself to this and called it “carrying out reform at an advanced age.” The result of his “reform” was his iconic style, one which combined the populist-realist styles with that of the scholar-calligrapher. Qi’s style influenced subsequent generations of painters, such as his student Li Kuchan (1898–1983) and others, including Pan Tianshou (1897–1971) and Li Keran (1907–1989). 
As seen in Lychees and Grasshopper, Qi’s subjects were often seasonal, as one might expect of a careful observer of nature; this painting’s subject suggests late spring or early summer. Qi characteristically contrasts the expressive, boneless (mogu) technique he used on the basket, lychees, and leaves with the sensitively observed grasshopper rendered in the fine-line (bai-miao) technique. Relatively rare in Qi’s oeuvre are landscapes, which, as seen here at left, retain his characteristic charm and embrace the literati ideal of zhuo (awkward).
"Landscape with houses", is a laps cape painting with ink and color on paper, was made by Qi Baishi (Chinese, 1861-1957). It is a work art pf Croker Art Museum, gilf of The Chinese and collected by Sandra and Franklin Yee, 2005.94.7. This charming rural landscape is composed with single forms, allowing one to imagine life in the humble surrounding of a village. Small houses with titled roofs facing different directions are set amid clusters of tall trees, the leaves and branches of which no doubt provide cooling shade to unseen occupants within the dwellings. This may be the way that " Landscape with houses" is represent the era in which it was created. It is their life with the simple things, living in nature make the souls of ancient Chinese more light and peaceful.  There are no reference for this art work at all since it was collected. 
The photo of me and "Landscape with House" 

My ticket of Croker Art Museum on September 25, 2019
This is my second time of this year of visiting the Croker Art Museum. Last time, I went there by light trail but I drove to there by my car this time. Since I received the instruction, I invited my friend to accompany with me, and they agreed. I’m a new driver, this actually was the first time I drived to Downtown of Sacramento by myself. It was quite exciting and nervous. Luckily, we were safe there. I did not bring any 
My drawing of "Landscape with House" 
  so we had to spend time to manage it. Fortunately, our coins helped us to visit this museum 45 mins. I have a remind for new people like me that don't worry if you don't have coin, but remember bring your card because we can pay by card for parking fee. We were there around 4 pm; it was slow that day because of only us and 2 old ladies. We need the tickets to visit this museum; because we are the students, we paid for 8$ each person. The museum employees are quite kind and generous. We met a pretty woman that sell the tickets for us with a lovely smile and she asked us some 
Other work of arts
 like why we wanted to go there and we answered her. We also saw some man who is the security of this museum. They looked us with the serious faces, but I felt it is a grave atmosphere at there. We did visit there before, so this time, we just went directly to the Asian area. I did wear sandal which sound noisy but fortunately nobody is around that area. Although it was not the first time, I felt like this is really strange and special. I wonder how the epigrapher can discovery these products and how their journeys are. This is amazing and difficult. I really admire them. 

Works Cited
China Online Museum.
Croker Art Museum editor, "Landscape with Houses". 2015

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